Ep. 41: Knowing Who Your Friends Are In Business And In Life


"I don't need friends to be successful. I'm an independent woman. I can do it all on my own." Does that sound like you? Sorry to break it to you, sister, but that's just not true.


I'm all for strong women, okay, of course, but needing a support group doesn't mean you're not strong. It doesn't mean you're not capable.

We're programmed to be social creatures. It's a deep survival instinct. It's in our DNA. It's not really something you can fight.

And maybe, if that's the kind of mentality that you have, maybe it's been hard for you to find your group. Maybe you've struggled to find your tribe, the people, the group of friends, that love and support you and the things that you do. And I totally understand that.

If you've been alone for a while, if you've been hurt by friends before, it can be hard to open yourself back up and welcome the idea of a tribe but trust me, girl. Your life will be so much better when you do find your true tribe. So we're gonna talk about it in this episode. We're gonna talk about finding those people that will lift you up and that you can lift up too. And we're gonna talk about how to keep them around because that's the important part. Okay? Let's do this. You and me.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:28]  So I want to start off by talking about the experience I had last weekend at Wake Up To Level Up in San Diego where I actually got to meet with a few of you that listen to the podcast. There's nothing quite like that feeling when after reaching out to others and trying to get them to listen to what you have to say, people reach back and tell you they're hearing you.

‣‣  [05:59]  Let's talk about how important friends can be in our lives.

‣‣  [12:11]  How do you recognize when someone is the kind of person you need in your tribe?

‣‣  [14:26]  How do you know when someone DOES NOT deserve to be in your tribe? Cut those people off, mama.

‣‣  [18:10]  Now, let's talking about maintaining those relationships. Every relationship is a two-way street. Be mindful of the level of care and attention you're putting and the level they're putting in.





You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast!

Grow Your Gram

Online Course Workshop




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