Ep. 82: Get the High Vibing Energy You Need to Attract Exactly What You Want Out of Life


Your energy is created through a process. You have to cultivate your energy from inside.


I get questions all the time about how I have so much energy. For a long time I thought I don't know I guess I just do. But a friend of mine encouraged me not to just brush past that question and really consider it. There's a process of how I create such a high vibing personality. It comes from the habits I have, my beliefs, my philosophies. I realized that if I have this process of creating high vibing energy then everyone could create their own process too.

It's not a big secret. Or it doesn't have to be. In this episode, I break down what beliefs, philosophies, and habits I have that I believe help build up my own energy. 



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [06:10]   I jump in breaking down how my faith shapes my energy.

‣‣  [07:54]  Victoria's Secret Models fart. Seriously. That's the topic.

‣‣  [09:04]  Let's talk about how humility and vulnerability affect your energy.

‣‣  [12:02]  Your energy isn't just how you treat others. It's also how you treat yourself. YES. It's important. Listen up!

‣‣  [14:02]  My philosophy on making mistakes.

‣‣  [15:40]  I share my physical habits for achieving high vibrating energy.





You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast!

Grow Your Gram

Online Course Workshop




You can enjoy this podcast by downloading it on iTunes here.
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You can enjoy a transcript of the podcast here.


Sheila Bella:

Hey, do you wonder why your followers haven't gone up in so long? Like what is going on, right? Your likes, your comments have gone down so much lately. And it seems that the only way to get your page seen is to pay for ads and you don't have that kind of budget. Hello? I have some kick ass news for you, sister, because you don't need to. You don't need to, with my new online course, Grow Your Gram. Grow Your Gram is guaranteed to shake up your social media life and get you out of this Insta plateau. You've been staring at that number. And it's kind of been the same now, relatively, for like a year or so. Not going to happen with me, sister. Go to sheilabella.com/growyourgram to get on the wait list, and get all of the information you need as soon as this launches, because I guarantee sister, this is going to change your life. sheilabella.com/growyourgram.


Hey, you guys, what's going on? Oh my goodness. Pretty ambitious summit is like a month ish away. A month ish away. You guys tickets are officially sold out. And if I really think about it, I kind of have to detach myself actually, because if I really think about it, I don't know, I might be too emotional to function. Do you guys have wins like that in your lives where you're like, what? No way. And yeah, you kind of have to turn it off or else you're just going to be a ball of useless tears. I can't wait. 350 of you are going to be there, in Santa Monica on March 13th, 14th, and 15th. And I just can't tell you how excited I am to rock your world. Holy moly. So before we get to today's episode, I want to read to you the review of the week.


And this week's review is from IO DeRay. She says, "I am a new listener and I am very grateful I found this podcast. It's so real and raw. It talks about aspects of business ownership some don't want to discuss, but need to be discussed. I've learned very valuable information from this in just a few listens". And she says, "Keep killing it". Thank you.


Man, I pour so much into this podcast. So feedback means a ton to me. So thank you. Thank you so much, sister, for taking the time to uplift another woman. And I put a lot of things out there and I don't know if it's landing on anyone. So when you guys give me feedback, you have no idea how far it takes me. Like when you leave a review, it lights up my day and I'm a nicer person perhaps to my family.


And most of all, you guys, I think that the reviews and ratings really matter because it helps this show get found out by more cool people like you, people who need this information. There are a lot of people out there who are struggling in their businesses and feel super alone. And they don't have to, a lot of the things that we deal with in everyday business,= we are confused by because, once we have the idea that we're going to start a business, we think everything's going to be all roses and rainbows. And then just the first loss, we're like, "This is not what I signed up for". And yeah, it really sucks. So I'm hoping to alleviate a lot of that pain, that expectation hangover for a lot of female beauty business owners, because I wish I had that.


And so that's my whole mission to be who I needed 10 years ago. So thank you. Thank you so much. And if you can take 30 seconds to go on iTunes, rate it and review it. I would love to read your review out loud next week. So thank you.


So you guys, the number one question that I get asked all the time is how I have so much energy and you guys are probably wondering that. And I get it as so much that I wonder if I'm truly being authentic out there because I try to be as transparent as possible that I have bad days. I do, but people seem to think that I don't. Especially if they first meet me, a lot of times people are like, "Whoa, wow, you are a lot. You are happy". And I'm like, "Yeah, I am, I guess. Sure. Yeah, totally".


And people ask me all the time, how do you have so much energy? And you know what I've always said? "I don't know. I guess I just sort of do". But recently a friend told me, "No, no, no revisit that. There's a process for everything. You should break it down. You should break it down for yourself. You should break it down for your audience. You should bring down for me, because I want to know". So I'm like, "Okay".


So I started thinking about it. Like, could my energy be traced back to something that I did? Could it be traced back to something that I do? A set of actions maybe, or habits that helped to create my energy. Right? And it turns out, yeah, I guess there is a process to creating a high vibing personality, right?


You got to cultivate that energy from the inside and every philosophy that I have about myself and the beliefs I hold about the world around me is what my energy is made out of. My energy is made out of philosophies and beliefs and I realized, "Hey, if I did it, I guess it means anyone else can too".


So I broke it down for you today. It is a three step belief process. So belief number one is my faith. It's no secret. I'm a Christian. If you stalk me on stories, right? Because that's where I love to hang out. I post my daily devotional, sometimes. I get up in the morning and I read a chapter. Right now, I'm going through the new Testament again. And I just read a chapter. And no matter what you believe, it sure helps to be positive. Right? It's, it's a metaphorical truth.


A metaphorical truth is something that you can't necessarily prove to be true. But if you think that it's true and you act like it's true, it's just so much better for you in the end. And to me, my faith, for some of you who may not be of the same belief, you couldn't maybe look at it that way. Like how cool is it, as crazy as I am, I believe in the end that God wins. Wow, cool. That's a cool thing to believe. I'm at peace. I talk to God all the time and prayer keeps my spirits high. It does. And I don't know.


There's just been some weird stuff in my life where I'm like, "Whoa". Actually lately in this family, it's been like, "Oh my goodness", I can't tell you all the details, because it's personal, but sometimes I'm like, "This is like almost creepy. This is almost like ... Oh God is real. Go figure. It's just too exact". Sometimes. I choose to believe that, that's what coincidence is. It's God moving in my life.


And on that note, belief, number two, Victoria's secret models fart. That's really what I wrote down in my notes, on my bullet notes. This is belief number to Victoria Secret Models Fart. Everything changed for me the day I realized that we are all the same. No matter how pretty a girl is, how much money she has, how famous somebody is. They all fart after having Mexican food. And you know what? They're all insecure about it.


And it's crazy because I used to be super intimidated by rich people, by pretty people by super smart people still kind of am. I've met some of the wealthiest, most attractive people and having like deep conversations with them, especially like if I'm microblading them in Beverly Hills, I've learned that their inner middle schooler is still very much alive inside. We all want the same thing. They want the same thing. We all want to be loved. We all want to belong. Right?


And I guess that's why I'm also not afraid to apologize if I've been wrong. Whether it's to my spouse or publicly, really, because jeez, you know how hard it is to get someone else to apologize for to ... I almost always hope that I'm at fault because if I'm at fault, that means I have control. I can change. I can fix this. But if the other party is at fault, oh gosh, that's such a daunting task to get them to change. Right?


Anyway, I just believe we're all the same. We're all the same. And that's why I'm okay with being vulnerable because anyone who can't relate, doesn't have a pulse. They're lying to you. This is the human experience for every single one of us. Nobody is exempt. We all experience happiness, sadness, anger, pain, suffering, joy, the full spectrum. The full spectrum of emotions. We've all experienced. And we can all relate to. And your job as a human being, and as a marketer, is to be able to communicate these feelings and you'll be relatable. That's why I believe in the power of being a good communicator. And if you're not good at it, try and get better because we're all the same. It's not as hard as you may think. Just express yourself. It's enough. I promise.


That sounds so simple. Oh my gosh. That sounds so simple. But it really is. And I think people just over complicate it.


Hello friend. Guess what? I want you on this show. I bet you weren't expecting that.


Yes, I want you on this show. Introducing Beauty Boss Spotlight, because you are the hero of the pretty rich podcast. You are the hero of the pretty ambitious summit. And I want to know where are you from? What's the most challenging thing you've overcome. What's your advice for how to live a pretty rich life?


If you're up for the challenge, and you really should be, go to sheilabella.com/beautybossspotlight. Follow the instructions. It's very simple. Don't overthink it. And remember, you can't beat fear, so do it scared. I want to feature you. I want to shout out your Instagram handle and get you some social media props. But more importantly, I want to get to know you for real. What are you all about again? That's sheilabella.com/beautybossspotlight. Okay, okay. Back to the show.


All right. So the last belief, is belief number three. And that belief is that I deserve grace. I deserve grace. I believe that because I fall short I'm human. I'm not God. So I guess that's where the faith thing comes into. So I act like I navigate the world freely because I believe that I have nothing to be ashamed of. I believe that even my bad thoughts are, most of the time, understandable, if you have the backstory. Like guys have compassion for yourselves because all vulnerabilities are relatable. If you're honest, and if you have grace upon yourself, you travel light.


Do I have regrets? Of course. And I love what Bernay Brown said because I used to say, I thought that the proper acceptable answer was like, "Oh no regrets. I have no regrets". But Bernay Brown actually kicked me in the pants when I heard her say, "Well, isn't that a lack of compassion and empathy? Because you can always be kinder". And I was like, "Oh yeah. Okay". I have regrets. Yes. There is always room for even more kindness, more love, more empathy.


But another thing that I read, Jordan Peterson said, "Never beat yourself up with a hand that is too heavy. Only use a hand that is heavy enough for you to learn and then move on". And I guess that's how I feel about my mistakes. Life isn't over.


What I do is I play the movie to the very end. And what that means is ... So let's say I mess up on a client or something like that. I mess up on a client. Maybe her arch was like two millimeters to the right. Oh crap. Oh man. And then the other one was like perfectly where it was supposed to be.


Anyway, so let's say a mess up on a client. What's the worst thing that could happen? Well, the worst thing that could happen is she sues me and I lose my business and everybody I love doesn't have a job anymore. What's the worst that can happen? I always do this. I guess the worst that could happen is I wouldn't have a business anymore. And what would happen? Oh, well, everybody I love is capable. Everybody who works there is capable. They'd find jobs. They'd be okay. Would they hate me? No, I guess we would still be friends. Okay. Well what about my family? How are they going to survive? Well, I'm resourceful. I could figure it out.


So I play the movie to the very end and it's like a catastrophe mentality. Like what, the worst thing that could happen. But then again, I feel like people stop and they don't play all the way to end. They just stop at the, "Oh my gosh, what if I mess this up? And I get sued?"


And then they just linger at the worst part of the movie. But if you play it all the way to the very end and disaster happens and everything you've ever been afraid of happens, guess what? You're still okay. You're still okay. So yeah, I guess there is a process for this.


So I just want to shout out my friend, Sandra for encouraging me to pinpoint my process, because if I can do it, like I said, you can do it too. And it turns out it is a series of beliefs, and philosophies, and habits.


Actually, I just kind of went through the beliefs and philosophies. I didn't go through the physical habits. Get plenty of rest. I get six to six and a half hours of sleep every single night. I know what my minimum is. And if I don't meet my minimum, I am a crazy person. I do not have this energy. I do not perform on stories or anything like that. So, I know that. I count six and a half and I get up and actually getting up early gives me energy because it gives me time to move my body break a sweat, have some coffee, drink, lots of water. And that's how I get my energy.


Oh, another thing.I'm confident in what I'm talking about, because while I'm at the gym, not only am I working my physical body, but I'm working my mind, I'm listening to podcasts. I'm listening to audio books. I'm on my notes and I'm writing things down as I go. Yes, at the gym. I'm one of those. I'm like, "I got to write this down. This is so good. I got it. Write this down".


So I'm confident in what I know, and that also gives me energy, because knowledge is confidence.


AAM, American Academy of Micro-pigmentation, that's our new tagline, actually. By the way, speaking of the AAM, you guys need to check out their podcast. It's our podcast. I am the new president of the American Academy of Micro-pigmentation, which is an association that's been around now for over 20 years. And our focus is safety and regulations and upholding the standards for the world of permanent makeup. And we have a podcast called PMU school. It's pretty incredible. It's five minutes a day, digestible content, where every single day, while you're brushing your teeth, make it a routine. You'll learn something more about the craft or about the industry or how to make your career better.


So check it out on iTunes. It's called PMU school.


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this podcast. It was really fun for me to break it down for you. And I feel like I just poured my heart out to you guys right now. I feel like we're closer. So if you listen to this and you're like, "Oh, okay. Yeah". If this resonated with you, in any way, or moved you in any way or just maybe you had a bunch of takeaways, actually. I would love it. If you told me on Instagram, I would love it. If you shared it with your friends and tagged me so I can see it.


And honestly, you guys, when I get feedback from you, it helps me create better content. It helps me create better content. Oh, this is what you want more of. Yeah. And honestly, I want to know who you are.


So if you heard that ad just like a minute or two ago for Beauty Boss Spotlight, I hope you'll do it because I love getting to know your stories.


So thank you so much for joining me on today's episode of Pretty Rich podcasts. And I will see you guys next time.


That's it for today's episode of Pretty Rich podcast. If there was anything in this episode that has impacted you in any small, or big way, I want to know you can reach me at RealSheilaBella on Instagram.


And by the way, if we are not text buddies yet, that needs to change. You can text my name. Sheila, S-H-E-I-L-A to 31996 and we'll be connected.


I really love hanging with you guys on here. And one last thing before we wrap it up, I got to include my kids, right? #MomFirst. So here are Beau and Grey to close things out.


Hi, my name is Beau and I'm five years old.

Sheila Bella:

Can you tell everybody what our family motto is?


I can do hard things.

Sheila Bella:

I can do hard things. Now fill in the blanks, hard is ...



Sheila Bella:

Easy is ...



Sheila Bella:

Good job, buddy. I love you so much.


I love you, the best [inaudible 00:19:26].

Sheila Bella:

Grey, say share with your friends.


Share with friends.

Sheila Bella:

Please review my mommy on iTunes.


Do mommy iTunes.

Sheila Bella:

Thanks for listening.


Thanks for listening.



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