Ep. 42: Where Are You In Your Beauty Branding? How To Fuse Your Story And Purpose Into Your Beauty Business With Monique Benabou


Take a look at your branding. Go ahead, open up your Instagram, and take a look at it. Do you see yourself in it? Do you see your unique personality? Your story? Or is it just pretty pictures?


Look, we all love pretty pictures, okay? But if that's all your brand is...I mean, how does that help you stand out? How does that help your customers connect to you? How does that help them relate to you?

I talk about myself all of the time. I'm always sharing parts of my life and story with you guys. And it's not because I just love talking about myself all the time. It's because the more I share, the more you see of me as a person rather than just pretty microblade brows, the more we connect. The stronger our relationship gets. And the better I can help you! Because we'll know each other better.

On this episode, I have Monique Benabou, who is a master of knowing herself and sharing her truth. You might remember her from season 2 of The Voice. Before she did a deep-dive into music, Monique was actually a makeup artist for about 11 years. So she knows us, okay? She knows our flaws. And she's here to expose them.

Yes, I know, that seems scary. But if we're not aware of our flaws, how do we get better? And we need to get better, beauty industry. We really do.

So let's go! And take some notes, beauty bosses.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [09:22]  I ask Monique to first give us a basic rundown of her life story, who she is, where she came from, and how she got here.

‣‣  [13:07]  Have you ever felt like you lost sight of who you are? Like you look around one day and all of a sudden you realized you're not hearing your own voice anymore? How does that happen, where does that come from? How do you find it again?

‣‣  [17:25]  It can be hard for some people to juggle being so multifaceted. People can tend to look down on you and think you're flighty or noncommittal. So here I ask Monique how she does it all.

‣‣  [23:28]  Here, I ask Monique to share three truths about herself. We talk about being a weapon for God, advocating for others, and her inspirations.

‣‣  [26:12]  Monique talks about the challenges of leveling up and taking care of yourself when managing and trying to grow your own business.

‣‣  [28:36]  Okay, let's get serious about the beauty industry. Something's off, right? Something needs to change. We need to change. Here, Monique and I get into what's wrong with the beauty industry and how YOUR individuality could save it. Yes, you.

‣‣  [34:03]  In case you don't believe us, Monique shares some examples of how sharing you're story or just finding something that you believe in and sharing that can create longevity and sustainability in your business.

‣‣  [42:38]  Now I ask for Monique to share the best piece of advice she could offer her younger self. I think you could take this advice too.






Aren't you so inspired by Monique? I'm so grateful for her coming on the show! If you want to keep up with her and all of her exciting life adventures, you can keep up with her on Instagram, right here!

You can follow me, Sheila Bella, on Instagram @realsheilabella!


Here are the links that were mentioned in the podcast!

Grow Your Gram

Online Course Workshop




You can enjoy this podcast by downloading a transcript of it here.



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