Ep. 119: Sales And Mindset With Natasha Hemmingway To Power Your Microblading, Lash, or PMU Beauty Business


If you don't have a sales process then you're not going to see the growth you want in your business.


That's the simple fact of it.

If you're not implementing a sales process - you're not going to sell to your fullest potential. How are you going to experience growth that way? You know what your dreams are for your business and if you want to reach those dreams then you have to get serious about a sales strategy.

I know that the idea of a sales strategy doesn't seem sexy - but it IS. I love sales, okay? And my buddy, Natasha Hemmingway, also loves sales. Not only does she love sales but she is a sales MASTER. She's so smart and passionate about sales that it's infectious. I'm infected with it! And you know what, if you listen to this podcast episode you will be too. 

I wanted to bring Natasha on the podcast because I believe in her sales philosophy so much. We both see sales as service. We see sales as a way of serving others and helping others....

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Ep. 116: Sales Mindset: What You Need To Know Before Selling Your PMU Course, Microblading, Or Any PMU Service Honestly


If you're not where you want to be in your business it's probably because you haven't implemented a solid sales strategy.


Sales are everything.

I mean, obviously, they are the way that you are going to make money. Sales are the way that you are going to have a successful, thriving, long-lasting, beauty business. So if you're not in the right sales mindset, you need to make a shift.

This is a strategy that we deep dive into in my coaching program, Pretty Rich Bosses, but I'm going to give you some tips here for free. I'll even give you my Microblading Sales Script for free to help you in this process because I truly believe that if you just approach sales the right way you will see a massive, positive shift in your business. What are you waiting for, sister friend? Let's do this!



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [03:38]  What is wrong with the mindset most beauty professionals have with sales?

‣‣  [04:51]  How do...

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Ep. 112: What I Learned About Beauty Marketing From Dancing At A Gentlemen's Club And Now Working In The Microblading, Lips, And Liner Sales Business


Beauty marketing and Gentlemen's Clubs - what do they have in common?


Um. A lot actually.

Have you ever seen the movie Hustlers? Those girls are WORKING for their money. It's not just about looking pretty. It's about strategy. It's about, you guess it, marketing!

For this episode, I brought on one of my good friends and sales advisors, Victoria Racca, who just so happened to be a dancer at a gentlemen's club for three years before she got into PMU. We talk all about strip clubs, sugar babies, marketing and sales strategies, and all of the advice you need to succeed in the beauty industry. 



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [05:15]  First of all, my theory is that marketing and sales are just like The Bachelor. Yeah?

‣‣  [07:07]  Here, I ask Victoria to take us back a bit and tell us about her life before she got into PMU.

‣‣  [09:59]  Victoria never hid the fact that she worked as a dancer but did struggle to find...

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