We all have ideal clients, right? That girl that we get in our chair from time-to-time and we're just like "wow I wish you could come in more often" and "I wish every client was like you." You know? She's funny, she's kind, she treats everyone politely, she tips well.
You might think it would be impossible to make sure every one of your clients was more like her but it's not! You just need to narrow down and identify your ideal client - because it's her! You need to start marketing to her directly! Then your business will thrive, trust me.
If you're still not quite with me, no worries. We'll get into it all in this episode and I promise by the end you'll be a believer and you'll be...
That's because it's all connected! Yes!
For this episode, I brought in my friend Josie Naikoi. Josie's a life coach that specializes in coaching women through difficult breakups and strategies for getting back on the playing field. She's actually an expert in helping ambitious women sort out their relationships and be the successful, strong businesswomen that they were always meant to be.
So we're gonna dive right into it! We're going to get really uncomfortable talking about divorce, abusive relationships, insecurity, setting boundaries, and what to do if you feel like you're currently in a relationship you should probably get out of.
Here are the episode highlights:
‣‣ [09:45] We start with our get-to-know-you questions. We talk about Josie's childhood,...
50% Complete
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