Ep. 9: Part 2 - Mistakes I Made My First Million Dollars In The Beauty Industry As A Microblader And Permanent Makeup Artist


So I made my first million dollars - easy, right?


Can you hear me laughing through your screen? No - there was nothing easy about reaching this million-dollar milestone. I struggled a lot in my career as a microblader and permanent makeup artist and learned a lot. I'm still learning things. You never really stop, you know? We will always make mistakes but it's the fact that we LEARN from these mistakes that really makes the difference.

I already shared part one of this list of mistakes I've made, so if you haven't listened to the first half, go ahead. Now let's talk about the last 5 mistakes I made while making my first million dollars in the beauty industry.

Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:45]  Mistake #6 - not making friends in the industry soon enough.

‣‣  [05:37]  Mistake #7 - thinking that as soon as you hit that next milestone your problems will all be solved.

‣‣  [08:27]  Mistake #8 - not promoting my product...

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