The mark of a good entrepreneur is their communication skills. 


A good entrepreneur is a good communicator. A successful entrepreneur is one who masters the art of communication - because communication is key to all relationships, and if you want to have a good relationship with your client base, your employees, or your students - you need to be a good communicator. 

The great thing about this is that communication is a skill that you can practice easily. It's something that is so easily overlooked but it can easily be mastered!

So, in this episode, we are going to cover the top 3 ways that you can master the art of communication to build your beauty brand and business today! What are you waiting for?



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [03:41]  Let's talk about the greatest marketing tool that is severely underrated.

‣‣  [07:00]  The first way you become a good communicator is by prioritizing listening and learning.

‣‣  [12:08]  The second way you can comm...

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Ep. 114: Sometimes Patience Can Be Used As An Excuse For Not Working Hard Enough In Your Beauty Business


You might be letting the idea of "patience is a virtue" keep you from reaching your fullest potential faster. 


It might not seem like it - but your patience can really hold you back. It's probably keeping you safe. It's probably actually STOPPING you from taking ACTION and making your dreams a REALITY. Like, you could taste success today - but if you're letting patience and plans slow you down you might not feel that success for YEARS.

I know that it can be hard to tell the difference between smart planning and comfortable planning. In this episode I'm going to sit down with you and share some hard truths so that you can really be critical of yourself and where you are with your beauty business and figure out whether or not you're just using patience as an excuse.

I guarantee this episode is going to be a real kick in the butt for you. No matter where you are with your beauty business - this will motivate you to push yourself even further towards success. As long as you tru...

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Ep. 113: Starting A Business And Keeping It Real With Jackie Nguyen Of Cafe Cà Phê: From Miss Saigon National Tour To Boss Babe In The Mobile Coffee Biz




Did you put yourself and your dreams on hold for this?

Listen up, sister-friend, I'm not telling you things aren't hard. BUT YOU CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER TO START YOUR BUSINESS.

I know, that might be bold. But I know that after this episode you will be inspired and motivated to get your butt in gear and START THAT BUSINESS. Why? Because I brought on my good friend Jackie Nguyen who started a mobile coffee shop all during the pandemic.

She's doing it and she's killing it and she's sharing all of it on social media, so you should definitely check her out for more motivation. But seriously, you don't need to put your dreams on hold forever. Yes, things will be hard, but you can't let the hard stuff stop you. I can help you! We can make your dreams come true. All of that power is in your hands you just have to take it and make something with it.

Are you ready? Let's do this



Here are the...

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Ep. 103: Brow Stencils! How Maddie Thompson, CEO of Madluvv Brows Took One Idea And Spun Gold With It, Changing The Permanent Makeup And Brow Game Forever!


Have you ever dreamed of being an entrepreneur, creating and selling your own products? Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? What goes into thinking up new ideas, executing them, and selling them to customers?


It can be overwhelming to start a new venture, especially when you don't have an example of someone to look up to. That's why I reached out to Maddie Thompson, CEO of madluvvbrows, and asked her to be on this episode of the podcast with me.

Maddie and her team at madluvvbrows have seriously changed the brow game - not exaggerating. Not only are their stencils and brow stamps life-changing for PMU artists like myself, but they're also incredibly useful for the every day beauty product user. Seriously, I have my brows microbladed but I still use her stencils to do a nice touch-up day-to-day.

She started as a self-taught makeup artist, got certified in microblading, and realized there was a need for high quality, reliable eyebrow stencils. That's just a...

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Ep. 51: Influencer Marketing With Amanda Paris, How To Use Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Permanent Makeup Business


Do you see all of these brands growing their business through influencer marketing and you're just like, okay how do I get into that? Do you want to get your name out there but you don't know where to start?


Don't worry, we're here to help. Influencer marketing is a great way to grow your business, especially right now. Influencers are super big and they have a lot of, well, influence. It's a great market to tap into. I did a lot of influencer marketing when I first started and I still do!

I didn't want to just give you my tips, though. I thought, why not bring in a total expert? Why not bring in someone who's on both sides? Someone who both has their own business and is an influencer? Enter: Amanda Paris.

Amanda's amazing. She's a total complete modern-day renaissance woman. Seriously, here's a list of some of the things she does: she models, she's a comedian, an actress, a producer, a booking agent, influencer, squirrel mom, and fitness expert. She also has over 3 millio...

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Ep. 37: Melissa Hibbert On The Business Of Beauty And The Importance Of Being Excellent


Are you dreaming of leaving your dream job and making it big in the beauty industry? Have you been hustling and hustling trying to make your dream work but you're just at the end of your rope and don't know how to make it work? Do you just want a sign that you CAN do it?


I've got your back, sister! For this episode, I brought in super successful celebrity makeup artist, Melissa Hibbert, to give us all of the behind the scenes secrets to making your beauty business the next big success story!

Melissa Hibbert has been in the beauty industry for 8 years and in that time she's had more celebrity clients than I can count and she's been on Bravo, Oxygen, Lifetime, VH1, BET, CBS, and so many other shows. She's worked super hard to get here and she deserves ALL of her success. And now she's giving back, sharing all of her expertise with all of you so that you can also build the beauty business of your dreams.


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [04:11]  I like to kick things...

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Ep. 33: Identify Your Ideal Client & Brand Loyalist For Your Beauty Business And Why It's Important. Whether You're A Lash Artist, Esthetician, PMU Artist, Microblader, Spray Tanner, Hair Or Nail Boss Identifying Your True Fan Matters


Hey beauty babe, do you feel like your marketing is getting your business nowhere, no matter how hard you try? Well, maybe you need to really narrow in and identify your ideal client so that you're bringing in the exact kind of brand loyal clients you want and need to succeed!


We all have ideal clients, right? That girl that we get in our chair from time-to-time and we're just like "wow I wish you could come in more often" and "I wish every client was like you." You know? She's funny, she's kind, she treats everyone politely, she tips well. 

You might think it would be impossible to make sure every one of your clients was more like her but it's not! You just need to narrow down and identify your ideal client - because it's her! You need to start marketing to her directly! Then your business will thrive, trust me.

If you're still not quite with me, no worries. We'll get into it all in this episode and I promise by the end you'll be a believer and you'll be ready to find your...

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