I know you're serious about your business. I know because you're here! I was in the same place as you at one point. When I first started experiencing success in my business - it was like validation. When I got that, the next thing I wanted was time. And real success in my business gave me that.
I know that's what you want too so in this episode I share with you my Top 5 Commandments for Beauty Boss success in PMU and Lashes.
Here are the episode highlights:
‣‣ [08:59] I start with my number one commandment: the client is the real boss.
‣‣ [11:04] Here I share a rookie move I pulled a couple of months ago. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!
‣‣ [14:32] Emotions can get in the way of you doing a good job sometimes. Let's talk about that!
‣‣ [17:55] My thoughts on what makes...
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