5 Content Planning Tips
Keep It Stupid Simple!
Do you feel overwhelmed about posting regularly?
Here’s a sneak peek of our KISS Content Planner to help you keep it stupid simple!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The best part, we are giving it away for FREE and you – yes you – need it if you’re ready to finally save time, stress-less & get results on Instagram!
The best part, we are giving it away for FREE and you – yes you – need it if you’re ready to finally save time, stress-less & get results on Instagram.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Our KISS Content Planner will help you:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
😌Spend less time creating content
😌Schedule your content to post consistently
😌Create predictability and combat overwhelm.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You’ll be able to start time hacking your content strategy without getting overwhelmed and end up posting nothing at all!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Click here if you’re ready to jump in now!
Or if you have any questions shoot me a text at TEXT ME "KISS" 310-388-4588 and let’s talk!

Tip #1 - Optimize Your Bio
The first thing people see when they check out your profile on Instagram is your bio. It's the thing that tells them exactly what you're offering.
Look at these two different bios:
I help beauty entrepreneurs expand their businesses using Facebook Ads.
Dog lover. 🐶
Yogi. 🙏🏼
Mom of three. 🤪
Beauty business coach. 💰
There's nothing inherently wrong with the second one. But the first is quick, to the point, and tells your audience exactly what they can count on you for.
Tip #2 - Be A Specialist
Ask yourself these questions:
What do you do best?
Who is your ideal client?
Your favorite client + your favorite service
What service do you enjoy doing the most?
What do you want to be known for?
What fascinates, interests, and energizes you? AKA what is your PASSION?
Use your answers to these questions to find your specialty!
Here are some examples:
I help busy moms achieve the sexiest hair of their lives through tape in extensions
I specialize in powder brows for people with oily skin and large pores.
I help PMU artists get booked out through IG training and Canva Templates
BIG HINT: use this as your tagline in your bio!
Tip #3 - Narrow Your Niche
A niche is a specialized segment of the market for a particular product or service.
The more narrow your niche, the easier it will be for you to create content for your ideal audience.
You can start wide and gradually get more narrow.
Say you have a product or service that caters specifically to women. What kind of women? Older women or younger women? Single women or married women? Women who have children or children who don’t? What do these women do for their jobs?
Tip #4 - Overcome Overwhelm
STOP overthinking everything that you post.
Analysis paralysis is the enemy of growth! If you want to get better at producing great content and gaining more clients then you have to stop overthinking everything that you post.
Do you know what happens when you post something that doesn’t get a lot of interaction? You learn something. You learn that maybe that’s not the message that your audience needs, or it's not the format they need to see it in, or it’s just not the right time to post that particular piece of content. And then what happens? You move on and you post something else.
Point is, it’s not the end of the world when something doesn’t perform the way you’d like it to. I know how scary it is to put yourself out there but you cannot let that fear stop you!
Imagine if Beyonce let fear stop her from releasing music because she was scared it wouldn’t be a hit. I know it’s hard to imagine. But even Queen Bey gets nervous. She just doesn’t let them stop her.
Tip #5 - Plan Ahead
I always say that if it’s not on the calendar then I’m not doing it.
Consistency is KEY especially when it comes to creating social media content. So if you want to be more consistent — put it on your calendar.
Take a day out of your week and plan out all of your content, put it on your calendar, and get it done. Even better, plan out a whole month of content.
Imagine if you sat down to post something and didn’t have to scramble to put something together because what you needed to post was already written there right in front of you.
If you download my free KISS content planner now I’ll add on a Canva template with the content calendar my team and I use EVERY DAY to help us stay on top of our content.