And how you can too!
In 2007 I was broke and insecure. In 2021, after the hardest year of our lives, I’m buying my dream home AFTER building two MULTI 7-figure beauty biz companies with a team of 30+ badass women.
In 2007 I was broke and insecure. In 2021, after the hardest year of our lives, I’m buying my dream home AFTER building two MULTI 7-figure beauty biz companies with a team of 30+ badass women.
I think one of the most important skills for an entrepreneur to have is the ability to look back at the past. I don’t mean that you should get stuck in the past, thinking about all of the things you could've or should've done differently or better.
I don't believe that.
But I do believe that, for a lot of us, we get so caught up in chasing our goals, in looking into the future, in imagining everything we could be, we forget how far we’ve come.
When I look back at who I was in 2007, broke, insecure, lost — I don’t feel sad.

I feel proud of myself. Because it certainly wasn’t easy to get from there to where I am now!
In 2007, I wanted so badly for my life to improve. I could explain the principles of success like:
✅ Be disciplined
✅ Set boundaries
✅ Do hard things
✅ Never give up
Like everyone else in my paradigm, I could quote the principles, name them, list them and even TEACH them. But once I faced a situation that required me to execute these principles, I failed to apply them repeatedly. It felt like I was on this hamster wheel to success, chasing and chasing, but never really getting anywhere.
Sometimes I felt like I was just stuck. But I refused to believe that that was all I was meant to be.
What changed?
I realized that I have the power to essentially “build myself.” We all have this secret superpower that we’re not really tapping into. And in business, it’s not about building yourself in a physical way but in a mental way.
You can fill your mind with values, ideas, and knowledge to build the person that you want to become. It’s truly that simple. Or, at least, it sounds simple. But I promise once you truly understand that superpower, it all becomes a lot easier.
I started developing my mental grit using podcasts, books, masterminds and flooding my brain with the success propaganda I needed to believe before my negative defaults took over.
I paid closer attention to who I was following and what ideas I was allowing into my fragile space.
I had a “QP” rule, “quality people” only, and started surrounding myself with only the highest vibrating people who challenged me.
I started identifying myself as:
How you identify MATTERS.
Once I realized I was limiting myself by only classifying my surroundings through my PHYSICAL zip code, when in fact, it was my MINDSET zip code that mattered most, is when the change started to happen.
I believe that every single person has the power to change their lives and be whoever they want to be. That’s why I created Pretty Rich Bosses! Community empowers us and when we’re empowered we can do the things that we think are impossible.
Because the truth is: it's not impossible.
I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re stuck in the same place the way I did. I want to help others get to the point where I am now: confident and successful.
Are you ready to build the best “you” possible?
Are you ready to get out of the relentless cycle of disappointment, of feeling like you’re not reaching your highest potential?
Click here to apply for a FREE strategy call with one of my advisors!
Together we can find the best plan of action made just for you.