Instagram Myths BUSTED.
Let's get busting!
When you type "Instagram growth tips" into Google, you'll get 227,000,000 articles, hacks, reports, and gimmicks that guarantee to get you loads of followers and engagement.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
With so much good and bad advice out there, I know it can be hard to weed out the TRUE from the FALSE. Today we're busting the 3 biggest myths holding you back from growing your Instagram. Are you ready for this?
Myth #1: You need to post at least 1 time a day to grow your Instagram.

TRUTH: Showing up consistently does not mean you have to be active constantly.
Instagram @creators recommend posting at least 3 photos per week + 1 video. Quality over quantity.
consistency: setting a routine, posting on the same day every week, creating content that your followers expect
constant: posting all day everyday, burning out, running out of ideas, scrambling to put content together
Myth #2: Instagram reel views include replays.
TRUTH: Instagram has confirmed that a reel view is counted each time a reel starts to play (no, replays don’t count).
Instagram also recommends posting 4-7 reels per week (ideally 1 per day).
Struggling to come up with ideas to post for reels EVERY DAY? I've got your back, babe. Check out my FREE PDF with 50 reels ideas guaranteed to get you more clients.
Myth #3: The more followers I get the more successful my business will be.
TRUTH: number of followers is a “vanity metric” that makes you look good, but doesn't mean you’re making money.
Engagement from people who are actually interested in your business matters most.
That’s it!
Got some other myths you want to know the truth about? DM me @realsheilabella and let’s talk about it!
Want some more social media tips? I’ve got your back beauty boss! Click here to download my free KISS (Keep It Stupid Simple) Social Media Planner... it’s the same one I use every day and it's totally editable on Canva!
In it, you'll find a map to building your Instagram profile so that it attracts your ideal clients, guides to help plan content, and the free calendar I use every day to stay consistent in my Instagram game!