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Sheila Bella:

Patience is a virtue, right? It's good to be patient, but I think most people are actually too patient. And when they say it will happen in time, sometimes it's just an excuse for not working hard enough. I don't know. What are your thoughts? Here to keep it always at a hundred with you, Sheila Bella, this is Pretty Rich Podcast.


Welcome to Pretty Rich Podcast, where you're totally the heroine of your own story. I'm your host, Sheila Bella, and I've built a seven figure PMU beauty biz, and a seven figure online biz without a degree, without a fancy website, or a sugar daddy. And if you and I hang out on here long enough, you're going to start to believe that you can do it too. How about that for a side effect of listening to this podcast? Because you really can.


I know you think I don't know you. I've no idea who you are, but I do. I really, really do because I am you. I was you, and I believe we are all on the same journey together. My perfect job didn't exist, so I created it. The job I wanted wasn't hiring me, wanting nothing to do with me. So I skipped the line and hired myself as CEO, just like you can. So consider me your secret beauty biz BFF, in case you need to be reminded on a weekly basis that power is never just handed to you. You have to take it. Are you ready beauty boss? Let's jump in.


Hey, Pretty Rich podcast. What's going on? It's your girl, Sheila bella. Okay, just a little personal update with you guys. I am in the process of house hunting, and if you guys have ever bought a house before, house hunting can be very emotional. And I feel like I fall in love with a new property almost every day. And my type A personality is not good with winging it. I need a plan. I need an end goal. I need control. I need a vision for what is my life going to look like in three months, and the fact that it's a question mark is really challenging me. Am I going to be in the process of moving in three months? Or am I still going to be looking? Because I mean, we're spending millions of dollars on a home. And I mean, it's the largest purchase I've ever made or will ever make to my knowledge. And dude, I'm getting really picky, but then sometimes I get impatient, but I can't rush this process.


This is a really big decision. And not to mention I'm not the only one making the decision. I have a husband. And even though I don't like to admit it, my mom does still influence a lot of my decisions. I mean, guys, for those of you who've met my mom. I don't know. Maybe you've met her at events or something like that. Or maybe you've taken one of my classes, she's scary dude. I'm 38 and I'm still scared of her. Is this an Asian mom thing? Is this a Filipino mom thing? Because I talked to a lot of my American, more Americanized friends, and their mom don't give a shit. They're like, you live your life, sweetheart. I support you. Whatever you decide, you want to move out of state, go spread your wings and fly. My mom does not talk like that. My husband and I will say, oh, well we want a home that has at least two acres.


And then she'll say something like, what's up with that. What's up with that. And I don't know the way she says it makes you feel so bad. And she didn't even really say anything that bad, just her questioning it. I think it's because I respect her so much, and that's so built in that yeah, it affects my decision-making. Or at least it's in the back of my head. And it's not just me, okay. It's everyone around her. She just has this presence that really calls you out when you're being a moron. And the way she calls you out is silent. But it's so distracting. Nonetheless, it's hilarious and scary and hilarious and scary. Anyway, yeah. I'm just really happy that I'm in this situation now where I can even start thinking about buying a home. To be honest with you guys, up until this point, I took my millions that I've made over the years and I just kept investing it back into the business. Opening a second location, upgrading the current building, spending it on other business coaches and entering masterminds and yeah, the business is my priority.


What's great about renting is that it frees up your money so that it's not tied to a home. And I really didn't want to settle. I want to get the house that I really want. And if you guys follow me on Insta-stories, you guys get to come with me. Come with me on this house hunting journey. It is an emotional roller coaster. I saw you guys message me on the property that I visited yesterday. You guys were like, buy this one, this is the one. And truth be told, I'm not sure yet, because there's another house. There's another house and it's higher, in a higher elevation with more square footage, and it looks fairly the same. So I don't know. I don't know. Just me keeping it at a hundred.


And I think part of why I'm successful is because I am impatient. I'm impatient, but it's not like I'm impatient and I don't do anything about it. No, I'm productively impatient. And so that brings me to our topic today, which is when people say it will happen in time, sometimes it's just an excuse for not working hard enough. I'm in this position now where I can buy my dream home. And most of it is cash.


Do you want to know the pathway, the psychological pathway, in which clients actually find you and eventually pay you? So how a person goes from being a complete stranger to a loyal client that loves you and evangelize for you? Well you can find out in my free PMU Profit Pipeline. It breaks down how clients go from a complete stranger to beloved loyal client in four simple steps: awareness, scrutiny, followers, and belief. But if you want to know what all of that means, you got to jump into this free training. I cover this and so much more in detail in this webinar. So if you want an on this, all you got to do is text me. Yeah. Text the word profit to (310) 388-4588, and I'll text you back the link so you can use it to get more clients, more students, more money in your pocket. Again, text the word profit to area code (310) 388-4588. And I'll see you in five!


So for those of you with a five-year plan, stop being patient and ask yourself, how do I accomplish my five-year plan in six months? Okay. Can we just accept that perhaps saying it will happen in time is just an excuse for not wanting to get that uncomfortable? I'm sure sometimes it is why, because comfort is the enemy of success. Until you realize that you have one life to live, time's going so fast, and that one day you might blink and all of a sudden you'll be 70 years old and awaken to the reality that you didn't achieve your highest potential. I can't think of a better time other than right now to start prioritizing the things that you say are important to you.


After you listen to this podcast, yeah. Yeah, you're right. It's a kick in the pants. But feeling inspired alone isn't enough. Great art alone isn't enough. You need strategy, action, and most of all, consistency. The thing that people don't know about becoming successful, is that becoming successful involves an active lifestyle change. The way you live, the way you see the world even, changes. It's like being a carnivore and then going vegan. It's like being single, and all of a sudden being married with kids. It affects everything. It affects the way you eat. It affects what time you get up. It affects what you do with your day. It affects how you see the world. It's a complete change in your way of thinking, your thought patterns.


Successful people invest in their business first. Successful people understand obsession. You know what you need to do? You need to become a disciplined dreamer. If there's a dream or an idea that just keeps coming back to you over and over again, that you can't shake off. Listen. That's not random. That's your calling. And how to answer that call? You can do it in two steps. Step one, find your passion, and step two, be a disciplined dreamer. Step one, find your passion. Pay attention to what frequently moves you. Think about what is the dream inside you that you can't let go of that keeps revisiting you, that keeps coming back. Think about what you truly love. Think about what are you really good at? What types of experiences light you on fire? Because so many people just accept the status quo and never take the time to figure out what they want to be doing.


Honestly, step two to becoming a high achiever is to basically be a disciplined dreamer. Because suppose you're ever going to turn that idea that's in your head into something that exists in real life, and not just something that lives in your head forever and ever. Well, that's going to require hard work and most of all discipline, because motivation isn't reliable. Discipline is. So that is going to require for you to dream about it, but to also set deadlines for yourself and hold yourself accountable to meet those deadlines to achieve your dream. But what you got to do is you got to take your dream and bunch it up, slice it up into tiny little dreams that make up one big dream.


Because otherwise it's just an idea. Without dreams, without the deadlines, without the discipline to reach those deadlines and to meet those deadlines, it's just an idea. All successful people intersect out of the Venn diagram, I guess you could say. Intersect out of the Venn diagram of two traits, and that is basically disciplined dreamers. That's it for today's mini episode of Pretty Rich podcast. There's always a little time for some inspiration, I'm glad you got it in. Until next time.


Hey, thanks so much for listening to today's episode of Pretty Rich podcast. If you want to continue the conversation longer, check me out on Instagram. It's my favorite place to connect with you guys, @RealSheilaBella. I'm happy to answer any of your questions or simply to chat and get to know you better. And if you end up doing something super awesome, like screenshotting this episode and reposting it on your stories, that would put the biggest smile on my face. Don't forget to tag me. I appreciate every share, and love feedback from my listeners.


Also, do you have my number? Do you have my number? Because if we're going to keep hanging out, you should probably have my number so you can actually text me. That's right. You can text me at (310) 388-4588. And if you're sick and tired of doing business alone, and you're interested in accelerating your success by hiring a business coach or joining our mentorship program called Pretty Rich Bosses, go ahead and just apply. Why not? Check it out? Go to, and we'll schedule a free strategy session with either myself or one of my advisors. And of course I got to include my kids. So here to send us off are Beau and Grey.

Sheila Bella:

Gray, say share with your friends.


Share with your friends.

Sheila Bella:

Please review my mommy on iTunes.


Momma iTunes.

Sheila Bella:

Thanks for listening.


Thanks for listening.

Sheila Bella:

Hey Beau, can you tell everybody what our family motto is?


Yeah, I can do hard things.

Sheila Bella:

I can do hard things. Good job, buddy.