Ep. 86: Mental Health, Breaking the Stigma through Kittens & Unicorns


Have you ever felt the overwhelming feeling of anxiety or even depression as an entrepreneur with the weight of your world on your shoulders? 


On this episode of the Pretty Rich Podcast, I have a pretty cool guest.

Anita Perry, CEO of Sugar & Sloth, joins me on the podcast, and we go in on mental health and using your artistry.

Now, Anita isn’t a permanent makeup artist, but she’s an illustrator (a darn good one if you ask me!).

We get into a discussion on how to use your artistry to help you heal from trauma and to help you cope with mental illness.

Anita’s amazing. She’s from the United Kingdom, and she’s just so lovable. You’ll love her too, especially after listening to this episode.

This episode is like an interview where I ask Anita a whole lot of questions about her and her life and her business, and it gets really honest about mental health. Not just about mental health, but even her experience with mental...

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Ep. 85: The 5 Commandments of Being a Boss in the Beauty Biz


Today we're going to talk business. We're going to give you props for what you're doing right and also try to figure out what you could be doing better.


I know you're serious about your business. I know because you're here! I was in the same place as you at one point. When I first started experiencing success in my business - it was like validation. When I got that, the next thing I wanted was time. And real success in my business gave me that.

I know that's what you want too so in this episode I share with you my Top 5 Commandments for Beauty Boss success in PMU and Lashes.


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [08:59]  I start with my number one commandment: the client is the real boss.

‣‣  [11:04]  Here I share a rookie move I pulled a couple of months ago. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!

‣‣  [14:32]  Emotions can get in the way of you doing a good job sometimes. Let's talk about that!

‣‣  [17:55]  My thoughts on what makes...

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Ep. 84: How to Navigate Mom Guilt and Still Slay as a PMU Boss Babe with PMU Artist Tammy Le of Face Amor


Mom guilt.

It's built into the job and nobody really warns you about it, right?


I am so excited about this episode because I had Tammy Le from Face Amor on it! 

We're going to talk about how we navigate through mom guilt and still slay as a PMU Boss Babe. 

Tammy and I talk about everything in this episode.

We talk about mom guilt, how to manage it, how to maybe avoid it, and even how to live with it.

We talk about Tammy and her life, how she got to this point, how she manages, and how her family life is (you guys, she’s an immigrant like me! How cool is that?).

I really just get to know Tammy in this episode, and you’re going to want to as well.

If there are things challenging you in your beauty business, you’re going to want to listen.

If you’re feeling guilty as a mom with a business, feeling like you don’t have enough time in the world to manage both your home and your business, you’re going to want to listen....

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Ep. 83: Influencer Marketing for Your Beauty Business (What You Need to Know)


Influencer Marketing. Spoiler alert―it works.


Influencers are everywhere, right? It seems like everyone everywhere is having their product and their service promoted by influencers. And it seems like it's totally working for them.

Have you ever considered reaching out to an influencer and having them promote your beauty business? Have you done it yet? It can be a really intimidating world to jump into but listen. Influencers are beautiful. It's like part of their job description. And beauty comes in all different forms but you know those girls want to keep their brows and lashes on point. They totally do. Why can't you provide that service for them in exchange for some promo? You can. In this episode, I'll tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about influencer marketing and how to make it work for your beauty business!



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [01:49]  I jump RIGHT in explaining how you can get influencers to promote your products...

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Ep. 82: Get the High Vibing Energy You Need to Attract Exactly What You Want Out of Life


Your energy is created through a process. You have to cultivate your energy from inside.


I get questions all the time about how I have so much energy. For a long time I thought I don't know I guess I just do. But a friend of mine encouraged me not to just brush past that question and really consider it. There's a process of how I create such a high vibing personality. It comes from the habits I have, my beliefs, my philosophies. I realized that if I have this process of creating high vibing energy then everyone could create their own process too.

It's not a big secret. Or it doesn't have to be. In this episode, I break down what beliefs, philosophies, and habits I have that I believe help build up my own energy. 



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [06:10]   I jump in breaking down how my faith shapes my energy.

‣‣  [07:54]  Victoria's Secret Models fart. Seriously. That's the topic.

‣‣ ...

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Ep. 81: How to Run a Successful Giveaway and Why You Should Do It


Doing Instagram giveaways helps with my marketing. It helps my brand and gets my page seen by the people I know need to see it.


Running giveaways can be a great way to expand and promote your business. Not only does it help me connect more deeply with my existing audience but it also helps my page reach more people. It's also a really great way to collaborate with other brands and artists. I'm always stressing the importance of collaborations in my courses like Grow Your Gram, and giveaways are great for that!

So in this episode, I teach you my best tips and tricks for running a successful giveaway that will help you grow your beauty business on Instagram.


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [03:23]  To understand how to grow your Instagram and how giveaways can help you, you need to understand how the algorithm works.

‣‣  [04:55]  What you THINK is a good Instagram strategy vs what is actually a good strategy.

‣‣ ...

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Ep. 80: The Importance of Community, Providing Good Service, Achieving Your Goals, and a Strong Team


"If we can just strive to have every day be good, that's a win. And on the exceptional days, we'll just have so much more to be thankful for. But on the days that are good, we can be proud of ourselves that we did our best." MEI-CHA.


Running a successful business takes a lot of work. It's hard. Surrounding yourself with a good community makes it SO much better. But in a predominantly female industry, things can get tricky. As well as women bond with other women, tension can still build up and relationships can get messy. 

In this episode, I talk to some OG PMU Boss Babes: Lilian Su, Kimberly Crider, and Michelle Essenburg of MEI-CHA. We talk about how these three women work so well together along with the rest of their team and the importance of aligning your community, services, and goals to run a successful female-owned beauty business.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [06:15]  I start out by talking about how tricky it...

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Ep. 79: The Real Reason Why Some Clients Never Come Back


The REAL reasons why clients GHOST you. Why do some of them disappear and never come back? Not even for a touch-up? 


It can be really discouraging when clients ghost you. Has that ever happened to you before? You thought you had a great experience with a client, you thought you gave her a great service, you hugged at the end of your appointment, she tipped you, but when it came time to get her back in your studio for her follow up or her touch up...silence. Either she never returned your calls or she came up with some excuse for not returning and then you never heard from her again!

Yeah. You were ghosted. I'm sorry. It can be hard when clients won't give us straight-up reasons for not returning and not referring us. Referrals drive business. In this episode, I share two stories from a former client and from a friend that will give you some insight into why some clients never come back. If you've ever been ghosted or you want to prevent that from happening,...

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Ep. 78: How to Build Your PMU Dream One Step at a Time


"It's not always going to be like, you walk in...like "I'm the best." For the first one to two years, it was just a lot of pushing myself...and just believing in myself and finding that confidence...You don't take this lightly. It's people's faces."


In today's episode, we have dream team Lili Ma and Amanda Hua. Lili is an international icon. She teaches her coveted nano brow technique all over the world. Yeah. You heard me right. All over the world. She is booked and busy.

We also have Amanda Hua, her amazing partner in crime. In this episode, we talk about how you can build your PMU dream one step at a time. We talk about the struggles Lili faced as she started her career, the importance of having a solid team that you can trust, and more.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [17:27]  Running your own business, you'll come across some hurdles. Lili talks to us about some of the hardest things she had to overcome as a child that set her on her...

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Ep. 77: Strangers to Clients―How to Create New Clients in Seven Steps


How do you turn a complete stranger into a client? Better yet, a raving fan?

That's what I want for you.


I want you to find somebody (or somebodies) who is going to be your client for life and refer a lot of people. But remember they all start out as strangers.

So let's break it down. 

All sales is psychology. That's all it is. And the same psychological pattern needs to happen when a stranger chooses you to be their artist as when you choose to buy anything else.

The question that your soon-to-be clients are always looking to be answered is this: Can you help?

Don't you want your clients to feel like you can help them? You should! That's how you build your clientele.

In this episode, I teach you how to get strangers to feel that trust with you even before they pick up the phone to call you.

You have complete control over how you're perceived in many ways.

Maybe not complete, but I would say you can control 95% of what's out there about you by creating content...

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